10 year certain and Life Annuity |
3 Good Qualities Script |
7-Pay Premium |
Absolute assignment |
Accelerated benefits rider |
Acceptance |
Accident and health insurance |
Accidental bodily injury provision |
Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) |
Accidental death benefit rider |
Accidental dismemberment |
Accidental means provision |
Accumulation unit |
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) |
Action Plan |
Actuarial |
Acute illness |
Adhesion |
Adjustable life insurance |
Adjusted gross income (AGI) |
Administrative-services-only (ASO) Plan |
Admitted insurer |
Adverse selection |
Advertising Code |
Agency |
Agent |
Agent Tracking Sheet |
Agent’s report |
Agent/Associate (Level 10) [1] |
Aleatory |
Alien Insurer |
Ambulatory surgery |
AML process |
Amount at risk |
Annually renewable term (ART) |
Annuitant |
Annuity |
Annuity unit |
Any occupation |
Apparent authority |
Application (APPS) |
Appointment |
Approval receipt |
Assessment mutual insurer |
Assignee |
Assignment |
Assignment provision (health contracts) |
Assignor |
Associate Acknowledgement |
Associate Membership Agreement (AMA) |
Attained age |
Attending Physician Statement (APS) |
Authority |
Authorized company |
Authorized Disclosure |
"Automatic Benefit increase rider" |
Automatic premium loan provision |
Average Indexed Monthly Earnings (AIME) |
Average Monthly Wage (AMW) |
Aviation exclusion |
Back-end Load |
Backdating |
Bailout Provision |
Bank Secrecy Act |
Bank Secrecy Act Jurisdiction |
Baseshop |
Baseshop Ambassador |
Baseshop Frontline Leaders (BFL) |
Baseshop Next Wave Leaders (BNWL) |
Basic medical expense policy |
Beneficiary |
Benefit |
Benefit Increase Rider |
Benefit period |
Best's Insurance Report |
Binding receipt |
Blackout period |
Blanket policy |
Bonus Income |
Broker |
Business continuation plan |
Business overhead expense insurance |
Buy-sell agreement: |
Buyer's guides |
Cafeteria plan |
Capital sum |
Capitation |
Captive insurer |
Career agency system |
Caregiver |
Case management |
Cash dividend option |
Cash or deferred arrangements |
Cash refund annuity |
Cash surrender option |
Cash surrender value |
Cash value |
CEO Club |
Certified Field Trainer (CFT) |
CFT90 |
Champions Path |
Chief Executive Officer Marketing Director (CEO MD – Level 70) |
Chief Operations Officer (COO) |
Churning |
Class designation |
Classification |
Clause |
Cleft lip |
Cleft palate |
Close corporation |
COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) |
Coercion |
Coinsurance (percentage participation) |
Cold Market |
Collateral assignment |
Combination company |
Commercial health insurers |
Commissioner |
Commissioner's Standard Ordinary (CSO) Table |
Common disaster provision |
Competent parties |
Comprehensive major medical insurance |
Concealment |
Concurrent Review |
Conditional contract |
Conditional receipt |
Conditionally renewable contract |
Conservation |
Consideration |
Consideration clause |
Consumer Report |
Contestable period |
Contingent beneficiary |
Continuing care |
Contract |
Contract of agency |
Contributory plan |
Controlled Business |
Conversion factor |
Conversion privilege |
Convertible term |
Coordination of benefits (COB) provision |
Copayment |
Corridor deductible |
Cost of Living (COL) rider |
Coverage requirements |